Tag Archives: alkaline

Something to think about: a vicious cycle

25 Jul

Did you know this about Sugar Addiction?                                                             

You may have noticed feeling cravings soon after starting a diet plan. As you begin to take in more alkaline foods you start to leave highly acidic and sugary foods behind. Since your body has become so accustomed to these substances, it feels it needs them and thus begins to signal this through food cravings. You will notice from studying your alkaline food chart that sugar is extremely acidic. This creates a nightmare within your body by messing with the body’s normal way of using sugars.

A Toxic Cycle

Sugar and glucose are essential to providing immediate energy needs and vital energy for your brain. The body’s normal response to a drop in blood sugar levels is to tell the liver to use its reserves to make glucose and to tell the brain to trigger the hunger mechanism. But when the environment within the body is too acidic this cause certain yeasts to quickly multiply. These little yeasts have huge appetites and start to eat and ferment the glucose, robbing from your body for its own use. This cycle repeats itself as the yeast excrete toxic wastes and contribute to even more acidity, which in turn keeps allowing more yeast to be produced and so on. This is an unending cycle as long as one continues to consume too much sugar.

Soft Drink Addiction

One craving you may have difficulty with comes from letting go of colas. If you were use to having one with every meal you have definitely thrown off your body’s PH level and encouraged the yeast cycle to develop. Along with being loaded with sugar, soft drinks also contain phosphoric acid which is highly acidifying. Taking in a lot of empty calories with no nutritional value is another reason to cut out soft drinks from your daily diet. Many feel that sports drinks, energy drinks and vitamin waters are a healthy alternative but these too are just as acidifying as colas. Even more harmful are diet and zero calorie drinks as these are full of artificial sweeteners, which do more harm than good.

A Natural and Alkalizing Alternative

Stevia is a natural alternative sweetener unlike chemical sweeteners such as aspartame. It comes from an herbal plant and is available in dried leaf, powder, or liquid form. It is significantly sweeter than sugar and is practically calorie free. The least refined powder forms are brown or green in color. White powder can also be found and is more refined. When choosing to use the liquid form make sure that it is not an alcohol based dilution but a water based extract or concentrate as these have better concentrations of nutrients. The best quality of Stevia leaves are the ones imported from Mexico and South America. Along with helping alkalize your body, several studies have proven that Stevia naturally regulates blood sugar levels.

System Recovery

Basing your diet needs according to an acid and alkaline food chart can help your system recover from a damaging acidic environment and lead to a more balance alkaline one. As you begin to alkalize your system with alkaline water, juices, and foods, you will begin to create an atmosphere that is detrimental to the growth of harmful yeasts. This is not a one-time crash course but a way of living that must be maintained. We should constantly be alkalizing our bodies to keep on drawing out the toxins and acidic wastes.

Your high alkaline food chart can help guide you to optimal health by prompting you to recover from your sugar and soft drink addiction and search for genuinely healthier alternatives. Along with Stevia choosing fruit as snack can help you combat sugar cravings. There are also a variety of fruit drink recipes you can find with alkalizing benefits. Begin your search today for these better alkaline food choices and experience all the ways your body will respond to being healthier.                                                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                                           balance your diet

I just read this article which confirms it all and more…..by Zoltan P. Rona MD, MSc

9 Jul

Our Wellness is affected by the food eaten & the water we drink. All water is not the same. Here is a balanced article on drinking water. Later I’ll look at using water for cleaning & disinfecting.

Why Purified Water and Distilled Water are Bad For You
by Zoltan P. Rona MD, MSc
During nearly 19 years of clinical practice I have had the opportunity to observe the health effects of drinking different types of water. Most of you would agree that drinking unfiltered tap water could be hazardous to your health because of things like parasites, chlorine, fluoride and dioxins. Many health fanatics, however, are often surprised to hear me say that drinking distilled water or purified water on a regular, daily basis is potentially dangerous.
Distillation is the process in which water is boiled, evaporated and the vapor condensed. Reverse osmosis or purified water is free of dissolved minerals and, because of this, has the special property of being able to actively absorb toxic substances from the body and eliminate them. Studies validate the benefits of drinking purified water when one is seeking to cleanse or detoxify the system for short periods of time (a few weeks at a time). Fasting using purified water can be dangerous because of the rapid loss of electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride) and trace minerals like magnesium, deficiencies of which can cause heart beat irregularities and high blood pressure.
Purified water is an active absorber and when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making it acidic. The more purified water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Purified” water, being essentially mineral-free, is very aggressive, in that it tends to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Notably, carbon dioxide from the air is rapidly absorbed, making the water acidic and even more aggressive. Many metals are dissolved by distilled water.
Most toxic commercial beverages that people consume (i.e. cola beverages and other soft drinks) are made from purified water. Studies have consistently shown that heavy consumers of soft drinks (with or without sugar) spill huge amounts of calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals into the urine. The more mineral loss, the greater the risk for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and a long list of degenerative diseases generally associated with premature aging.
A growing number of health care practitioners and scientists from around the world have been advocating the theory that aging and disease is the direct result of the accumulation of acid waste products in the body. There is a great deal of scientific documentation that supports such a theory. A poor diet may be partially to blame for the waste accumulation. Stress, whether mental or physical can lead to acid deposits in the body. There is a correlation between the consumption of soft water (purified water is extremely soft) and the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Cells, tissues and organs do not like to be dipped in acid and will do anything to buffer this acidity including the removal of minerals from the skeleton and the manufacture of bicarbonate in the blood. I have done well over 3000 mineral evaluations using a combination of blood, urine and hair tests in my practice. Almost without exception, people who consume purified water exclusively, eventually develop multiple mineral deficiencies. Those who supplement their purified or distilled water intake with trace minerals are not as deficient but still not as adequately nourished in minerals as their non-purified water drinking counterparts even after several years of mineral supplementation. Purified water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continued drinking of purified water is a bad idea. Alkaline ionized Water is the best possible drinking water. Disease and early death is more likely to be seen with the long-term drinking of purified or distilled water. Avoid it except in special circumstances (that means if you have gone  already 3 days without water).

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